Paper Stained Glass Decorations
The Piece Hall The Piece Hall, Blackledge, Halifax HX1 1RE, HalifaxPaper Stained Glass Decorations Drop into The Gallery and create an amazing silhouette Christmas decoration from cellophane and tissue paper.
Paper Stained Glass Decorations Drop into The Gallery and create an amazing silhouette Christmas decoration from cellophane and tissue paper.
Family Fun Trail We’re so excited about tractors visiting The Piece Hall this February that we’re offering a tractor-themed activity trail featuring animals with a connection to our beautiful building. Collect your trail and explore The Piece Hall, drawing and collecting clues as you go. Successfully complete the trail and you get sweets and a...
Drop-in Drawing Doodle up some family fun this half-term! Swing by The Piece Hall for our free, no-fuss Family Drop-In Drawing sessions. No need to book – just show up,...
Family Easter Trail Join us at The Piece Hall for a fun family Easter trail. Find the clues to complete the challenge. Collect your trail from the Visitor Centre and search around The Piece Hall shops to find the hidden clues. Then claim an egg-citing chocolate treat at the end! Trails depart every half hour from...
Family Create & Craft Get creative as a family at The Piece Hall's fun drop-in craft sessions! On Saturday 30 March and Saturday 6 April from 12-2pm, kids and parents...